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DeLand seeks resident input about Parks and Recreation amenities.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
To enhance the quality and appeal of its parks and recreational facilities, the City of DeLand invites residents to actively participate in shaping the future of their community spaces.
By forging a strategic partnership with Stetson University’s Center of Public Opinion Research (CPOR) to conduct a comprehensive research study, this initiative aims to gather valuable input from residents regarding their preferences, expectations, and suggestions about parks and recreation amenities in DeLand.
The insights gathered from residents will play a pivotal role in formulating and refining the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The city is committed to utilizing this data to make informed decisions that will contribute to the overall enhancement of parks and recreation offerings within the community.
Residents are encouraged to participate in this collaborative effort by completing a brief online survey to capture individualized perspectives. The survey is easily accessible through the following link: Alternatively, residents can scan the QR code provided on the attached flyer.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The City of DeLand appreciates and values residents' time and effort in contributing to this initiative, recognizing that their input is crucial for developing a well-informed Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
For any inquiries regarding the study or assistance with the survey, residents are encouraged to contact Stetson University’s Center of Public Opinion Research Manager, Liam Leider, at 386-822-8836.