DeBary's Hometown Hero Nominations Now Open

The City of DeBary is now accepting applications to nominate DeBary 2024 Hometown Heroes. Selected Hometown Heroes will have a commemorative street-pole banner displayed with their likeness at City Hall. Application deadline is May 15 at 5 p.m. EDT.
The DeBary Hometown Heroes Program is designed to honor and remember DeBary military heroes (currently serving, retired, deceased, or honorably discharged) for their sacrifice and service to our nation. The Hometown Heroes Committee, comprised of appointed residents, MOAA, and VFW members, has established the following eligibility requirements:
Must have ties to the City of DeBary. Proof of residence (currently residing or have lived in DeBary).
Proof of service (DD-214, Military ID card) branch of service, and number of years served.
Must have been honorably discharged.
- Priority will be given to the following: Elderly Veterans of foreign wars, special medals of honor recipients, Veterans wounded during service, deceased veterans.
Applications must include all required documentation at the time of submission.
A high resolution or digital photograph of the service member in military uniform.
A copy of the service member’s “DD-214” (certificate of release or discharge from active duty) or other official documentation confirming military service.
- Signed photo release acknowledgment.
Any person, business, or organization can help support the Hometown Heroes Banner Program as a sponsor. Your sponsorship of $100 dollars supports the purchase of a full-color custom designed banner which is displayed in front of City Hall. Each banner displays the name, rank, branch of service, and photo of the Hometown Hero. These banners are given to the honorees as a thank you for their service. As a sponsor your company logo will appear on the banner to recognize your support. If you prefer your sponsorship remain anonymous please check the box on the sponsorship form.
The City of DeBary honored their inaugural class of five Hometown Heroes at the November 1, 2023 City Council Meeting. The 2023 DeBary Hometown Heroes are:
Senior Chief Aviation Machinist’s Mate Jimmy Dwight Hinesly - a 30 year retired Veteran who served in the Vietnam War with the United States Navy
Corporal Alfred Kneer - who served during the Korean War with the United States Army
Underwater Demolition Team Specialist Medward James Tessier - who served two years during the Korean War with the United States Navy
Seaman 2nd Class Elwood Leroy Bauerle - who served for two years during WW II with the United States Navy
Radioman 2nd Class Ed Harriman - who served during WW II with the United States Navy
Please direct all questions to Cristina Raimundo at 386-601-0238 or via email: craimundo@debary.org.