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West Volusia Hospital Authority resolves $2.5M Medicaid contribution dispute.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
After a prolonged legal battle spanning two years and involving pivotal rulings from the trial court and the Fifth District Court of Appeal, the West Volusia Hospital Authority (WVHA) has disbursed a substantial payment of $2,543,978.03 to Volusia County. This payment represents WVHA's share of the Medicaid contribution for the 2022-2023 period.
"The WVHA payment underscores the importance of shared responsibilities in healthcare funding," said County Attorney Mike Dyer. "We remain vigilant and ready to enforce the fiscal duties owed to our taxpayers and residents in need of healthcare."
The recent payment from the West Volusia Hospital Authority comes after a series of legal proceedings where WVHA contested its responsibility to contribute to Medicaid costs for the past two fiscal years. Volusia County argued that Medicaid users reside within the WVHA's jurisdiction, similar to the other districts, and the West Volusia Hospital Authority must ensure their residents have access to essential healthcare services.
Medicaid is a crucial source of health coverage for individuals in need, with costs shared between the federal government and states. The State of Florida mandates each County to contribute to Medicaid expenses. Volusia County splits these expenses among the County and its three hospital districts, including WVHA. This practice, established by statute, ensures equitable contributions to the community's healthcare requirements.
Each of the three hospital districts raises taxes to secure medical care for their residents. When one district refrains from paying for Medicaid, the County must cover the shortfall, resulting in an uneven burden on taxpayers in the remaining two districts. Even though the payment was made, an ongoing legal dispute between Volusia County and WVHA remains unresolved.
Volusia County has reclaimed nearly $5 million from the West Volusia Hospital Authority through these legal endeavors. The County's focus has now shifted to ensuring the reception of the upcoming 2023-2024 payment from WVHA, being prepared to pursue all necessary legal avenues to ensure compliance.